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Mobile App Integration

Create a Tracking Plan#

Refer to or update your tracking plan. Make sure you know what to track and why. What events will trigger journeys. What data you need for merge tags in campaigns. What traits do you capture about the customer.

Use the Intilery core schema. Include the additional lifecycle events from the app schema. If you are using transactions use the e-commerce schema. Add your own custom events if needed so you can build audiences and target customers with the right campaigns.

Integrate Tracking with your App#

We provide native libraries that wrap the Intilery API endpoints with some easy to use track, identify and screen view calls. The libraries are all open source. The SDKs queue API calls rather than making a network request for each event tracked. This helps improve the user’s battery life over a more chatty protocol.

Batches are sent either:

  • when there are 20 or more events in the queue
  • on a scheduled timer, every 30 seconds
  • when the app goes to the background

To limit memory and disk usage, Intilery only queues up to 1000 events. When the app is terminated, Intilery saves the queue to disk, and loads that data again at app launch so there is no data loss.

If you develop your app using flutter, react-native, or another cross-platform development kit you can integrate using the native libraries or build your own connection to the API direct.

Integrate Push Notifications with your App#

To send push notifications to your app, we use Google Firebase as the messaging SDKs.