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API For Mobile

When sending data to Intilery from a mobile app you use the same endpoints as the JavaScript tag detailed below.

We recommend that to preserve the users' battery and minimise network connections, you should batch events up and send them to the batch endpoint. See our Native SDKs for examples.

Write Key#

To match the data to your account you need to include a writeKey with each call. You get your writeKey by going to the Tag menu and copying it out of the JavaScript Website Tag from line 3:

analytics.load("<this is the writeKey you need to copy>"); 

You pass the writeKey in each event or batch sent to Intilery.


To send data to Intilery POST a JSON document with the content-type header set to application/json.

Send the data as described in the appropriate schema with the writeKey as part of the root object.

Single Event Endpoint#

For a single event, include the writeKey as a field in the JSON


e.g. sending a screen event you would send:

{  "type": "screen",  "name": "Home",  "writeKey": "<this is your write key>"}

Batch Event Endpoint#

When you batch events up, send a list of the events in the order they happened.

The writeKey is only passed in the root of the request, along with batch.

{  "writeKey":  "<this is your write key>",  "batch": [    {      "type": "screen",      "name": "Home",      "properties": {        "Feed Type": "private"      },      "timestamp": "2021-08-11T12:58:23.062Z",      "sentAt": "2021-08-11T12:58:28.374Z"    },    {      "type": "screen",      "name": "Account",      "timestamp": "2021-08-11T12:58:28.019Z",      "sentAt": "2021-08-11T12:58:28.374Z"    }  ]}

timestamp and sentAt are optional, and if not provided Intilery will add a timestamp on receipt of the event. They can be used to help debug and spot time differences between device and receipt of event. Intilery will add a receivedAt timestamp on receipt of the event.